Category Archives: General

Hilperton Village Magazine – seeking Editor

Hilperton Parish Council is seeking an Editor to relaunch the HILPERTON VILLAGE MAGAZINE.

The much-loved magazine was for many years enjoyed for its varied content and a valued guide to ‘what’s on’ in the community. The relaunch would see the return of a printed version of the magazine, delivered to subscribers in return for a small annual subscription.

The role will include:

  • Gathering and collating local news, articles and information on activities and events in the village.
  • Liaising with advertisers.
  • Editing and compiling the magazine ready for print.
  • Liaising with the printer.
  • Co-ordinating the distribution of the magazine and maintaining the database of subscribers.

For more information please contact:
Ernie Clark, Chairman of Hilperton Parish Council,
by the end of March.
Tel: 01225 769940,

Election 2021

The parish council received 13 nominations for 13 vacant seats.  Accordingly, these people are all deemed ‘elected’ and no formal ballot will be held in May.

The parish council will not need to co-opt any members.


The four-yearly ‘all out’ parish council election will take place on 6th May.

Anyone wishing to stand for election to the council must submit their nomination forms to Wiltshire Council before 4.00pm on the 8th April.  This includes all existing PC members.

If you would like any information on the parish council, or how to submit your nomination, please contact the parish clerk.

The council would particularly welcome nominations from the Hilperton Marsh and Paxcroft Mead areas of the parish.


WC has decided to undertake a public consultation on where future housing in the county could be located.  This includes the Trowbridge area.
Please note that due to the current Covid lockdown councillors are not allowed to deliver any leaflets by hand.
The proposal for Hilperton could have a significant effect on land behind Marsh Road.
The consultation lasts until the 9th March.
The link to the consultation is or search ‘Wiltshire Council local plan consultation’ and that should take you to the home page.  If you then look under ‘Consultation content’, the items relating to Hilperton can be found by clicking on ‘Planning for Trowbridge’.The parish council will be considering its response early in March, but the PC would urge everyone to respond to the consultation as an individual before the closing date.
There will be a formal public inquiry into the post-consultation plan and so, if WC does not remove the ‘Hilperton’ land from the document, there will be one more opportunity, at that stage, to get the plan re-drawn without the imposition of 2,000 houses on the village.

Extraordinary meeting 5th January 2021

Please note that the captioned meeting is CANCELLED.

With the current Tier 3 restrictions it would, as I understand it, be within the law to hold the meeting, but it would not be within the ‘spirit’ of the regulations and I feel that the PC should be seen to set an example.

Any comments on the planning applications which would have been discussed should be lodged directly with Wiltshire Council as soon as possible.  Please send a copy of your comment to either the clerk or chairman of the parish council.

It is still planned, subject to the Covid restriction then in place, to hold the full council meeting on the 19thJanuary.

Ernie Clark, Chairman.

COVID Precautions – Planning applications

The parish council has been asked for its comments on two ‘major’ planning applications.

In order not to encourage too many people into the village hall at the same time, the PC will consider the applications on two different dates.

20/09701 Barratt Developments – land east of Elizabeth Way.  This application will be considered at the meeting on the evening of 15th December.

20/09998 Hilperton Developments – Church Farm, Church Street.  This application will be considered at the meeting on the evening of 5th January 2021.

Please note that the principle of development at both sites has already been established by the Wiltshire Council HSAP, and the Hilperton Neighbourhood Development Plan.  Therefore, it is the ‘details’ of the applications which will be considered at the meetings.