Following the decision made by Wiltshire Council in July, to transfer some 200 houses from Hilperton to Trowbridge, the parish council considered its position. It agreed to seek legal advice and this was received from both a solicitor and counsel.
Following this a Letter Before Action was sent to Wiltshire Council.
A reply was received and, after very careful consideration, the parish council decided that it would not proceed with a Judicial Review against Wiltshire Council.
Candidate information packs will be available from Wiltshire Council from Thursday 15th October. Completed nomination forms have to be returned to Wiltshire Council between 10.00am and 4.00pm starting from Friday 16th October. The deadline for receipt of nominations is 4.00pm on Friday 23rd October.
The required number of Hilperton residents have contacted WC requesting that a by-election be held to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Cllr. Viv Bielecki last month
More details will be posted as they are known but the cost of the by-election, which has to be paid for by the council tax payers of Hilperton, could be in the region of £5,000.
Parish councils could see new bins provided and kept supplied with grit.
The suggested scheme is that the capital cost of the bins would be shared 50/50 by WC and the appropriate local council. The town council would then employ a contractor to fill the bins as required with the cost for filling bins in the parishes being bourne by the PC.
I hope that the parishes agree to this scheme as it seems to be a win/win situation with everyone working for the common good. Details Courtesy of Ernie Clark
Hilperton now has the report of the judges. Apart from Hilperton, the other large villages in the Wiltshire round were :-
Box (second)
Bowerhill (equal third)
Burbage (equal third)
Laverstock (fifth).
For Hilperton, the judges (Steve Russell and Air Cdre Nigel Williams) commented ‘What a wonderful village! A church with well maintained borders and churchyard. Families picnicking at the playing field, the best allotment site the judges had ever seen. The school was neat and tidy; footpaths were well maintained and public open spaces and residential gardens were very well kept. Despite a busy road through the village, litter was minimal. Wonderful facilities all well cared for and well used – a real community village’.
What more needs to be said? Other, of course, than a big ‘Thank You’ to all the residents that take a pride in our village and keep it looking so great.