Who to contact in the event of a flood
The following notes give guidance on who to contact for various types of flooding:
Flooding from Public Sewers
Water companies are responsible for maintaining public sewers. To report an overflowing or blocked public sewer, you should contact your water provider:
Wessex Water Sewage Floodline: 0845 850 5959 (24 hours)
Wessex Water Leak stoppers: 0800 692 0692
E-mail: leakstoppers@wessexwater.co.uk
Website: www.wessexwater.co.uk
Thames Water or Waste Waterline: 0845 9200 800
Thames Water Leakline: 0800 714 614
Website: www.thameswater.co.uk
Southern Water Emergency line: If you have a water supply or waste water emergency, including blocked drains, or wish to report a possible pollution, please contact 0845 278 0845 (open 24 hours for emergencies).
Southern Water Leakline: 0800 820 999 (24 hours)
Website: www.southernwater.co.uk
Flooding from Private Sewers or Drains
If your private drains or sewers are overflowing, you will need a drainage contractor to deal with any blockage. See “Yellow Pages” under “Drainnd Pipe Cleaning”. If you are uncertain if any blockage is in the public or private sewers, the water company should be able to determine this, once on site, then recharge you the cost of any work on the private sewers.
Flooding from the Public Highway
For flooding from the public highway or reporting blocked road gullies or gratings, contact Wiltshire Council. Contact Wiltshire Council’s local highways service (formerly known as CLARENCE) for reporting road, lighting defects and other hazards, including flowing and drainage issues.
Tel: 0300 456 0105
E-mail: localhighways@wiltshire.gov.uk
Flooding from a Burst Water Main
The local water supply companies are responsible for the repair and maintenance of the water mains, which carry large amounts of water from the treatment works to your street, but the property owner is responsible for the pipe which supplies their individual address.
Wessex Water Leak stoppers: 0800 692 0692
E-mail: leakstoppers@wessexwater.co.uk
Website: www.wessexwater.co.uk
Thames Water Leakline: 0800 714 614
Website: www.thameswater.co.uk
Southern Water Leakline: 0800 820 999 (24 hours)
Website: www.southernwater.co.uk
Flooding from a Water Service Pipe or Internal Pipework
This is the responsibility of the homeowner or landlord and would need the attention of a plumber (see “Yellow Pages” or similar directories).
Flooding from a Main River
The main rivers are the responsibility of the Environment Agency. In addition, the Agency provides a “Floodline”, which is a 24-hour advice and information service for floods and flood warning on 0845 988 1188.
Environment Agency Floodline: 0845 988 1188
Website: www.environment-agency.gov.uk
Other Useful Contacts
Local Highway (formerly known as CLARENCE) for reporting road, lighting defects and other hazards including flooding and drainage issues.
Wiltshire Council e-mail: localhighways @wiltshire.gov.uk
Tel: 0300 456 0105
Emergency Planning: To co-ordinate and provide support and assistance to council service providers, the Emergency Services and other agencies during the response to an incident. The team will also co-ordinate and assist with the recovery phase.
E-mail: emergencyplanning@wiltshire.gov.uk
Tel: 01225 713159
Represents Wiltshire Council on the Local Resilience Forum.
Environment Agency website: www.environment-agency.gov.uk
National Flood Forum: A charity run by people who have experienced flooding or have first-hand experience of supporting victims of flooding. It offers advice and support to communities and individuals who have been flooded or are at risk of flooding.
Tel: 0845 988 1188 Website: www.floodforum.org.uk
Met Office: www.metoffice.gov.uk
Thames Water: www.thameswater.co.uk
Wessex Water: www.wessexwater.co.uk
Southern Water: www.southernwater.co.uk
Waterways and Ponds: Pollution of all inland waterways and ponds is the concern of the Environment Agency.
Website: www.environment-agency.gov.uk
Canals: Any incidents concerning canals should be referred to British Waterways.
Incident Line: 01380 722859 Website: www.britishwaterways.co.uk
Citizens Advice Bureau: Advice on how you may be able to obtain financial assistance during an emergency. Contact your local service.
Fire and Rescue Service: Their primary responsibility is to save lives. May also pump out flood water (contact your local service) but there may be a charge for this service.
Health Protection Agency: Monitors and gives advice on public health (health protection and flooding). Website: www.hpa.org.uk
NHS Direct: For advice on health concerns during or after a flood.
Tel: 0845 45 46 47 Website: www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk
National Grid: If you smell gas or observe a potential electrical hazard on or near overhead power supplies.
Tel: Gas – 0800 111 999 Electricity: 0800 404 090