The parish council finds itself unexpectedly without a parish clerk.
Full details of the vacancy can be obtained from the chairman.
Closing date for applications is the 9th February.
The parish council finds itself unexpectedly without a parish clerk.
Full details of the vacancy can be obtained from the chairman.
Closing date for applications is the 9th February.
The documents below are posted at the conclusion of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return for the year ended 31st March 2023.
Annual Governance Statement 2022/2023
External Auditor’s Report and Certificate 2022/2023
Over 150 people attended the public meeting on 1st August with many more turning back as the hall was full.
Residents spoke to share their concerns over the applications, and the meeting was drawn to a close after about an hour and a half.
At the parish council meeting which followed, it was agreed that the PC will employ a planning consultant to fight the applications. The cost will be met from PC reserves.
In the best kept village competition Hilperton was judged second in the ‘large west Wiltshire village’ class. It will therefore not go forward this year to the county round of the competition.
The parish council will consider its official response to the various McDonald’s planning applications at an extraordinary meeting at the village hall on the evening of Tuesday 1st August.
This will be preceded, at 6.00pm, by a public meeting when you can ask any questions you have about these applications and indicate to the parish council what your opinions are!
Please note that the parish council is NOT the decision-making body for these applications – it is simply a statutory consultee. The decision will be made by Wiltshire Council and any comments need to be advised direct to WC via the planning portal.
The Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2022/23 is posted.
Notice of Public Rights regarding our audit for 2022/2023.
Please see the following documents :–
Notice of Conclusion of Audit
Section 1 and 2 of the Annual Governance & Accountability Return
Section 3 of the Annual Governance & Accountability Return